Lying Cat с ним заебется тараторить.
Isn't this just ripping off The Raid?

No. Dredd was written and filmed long before The Raid. Dredd's screenplay was written in 2008 and leaked online in 2010. Principal photography on Dredd took place between November and December 2010. The Raid did not go into production until November 2010, and was filmed in March 2011. Until the Summer of 2010, Raid director Gareth Evans had been planning to make an entirely different film and put The Raid together over the next nine months. Dredd producer/screenwriter, Alex Garland:

"Honestly, I really don't believe that The Raid ripped off Dredd. And we didn't rip them off either. The timing doesn't allow for it - not that time-based logic has stopped many film journalists from suggesting that we stole their material"
Видать, комикс вы и в глаза не видели, если считаете фильм со Слаем эталонной экранизацией.
Дредд сняли раньше Рейда, просто вышел он позже.
В фанфиках и котенок по имени Гав любого заборет.
Только вот штурмовики даже в Робокопа не попадут.
То же самое, после всех этих свистоплясок только башка с глазами разболелись.